Hood River Supply offers our customers the peace of mind that your keys will be cut to perfection. Speak with one of our representatives and in minutes you will be on your way. Each of our customer service representatives have been trained on how to properly and safely cut your keys. Perhaps take those few minutes to walk around the store and browse our selection.
Our selection of Hillman® keys include: home, auto, commercial, padlock, motorcycle, and a selection of special styles. We have single cut, double cut, plastic head, and color keys available. Cutting is free of charge with the purchase of your new keys.
Show your support with these certified items from the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
Show your spirit with one of these rivalry icons.
Hood River Supply has a selection of National Football League specialty keys. If you are looking for a specific team, please contact customer service to verify inventory or put it on special order.
If you are getting multiple types of keys, consider getting them in different colors, so you can easily identify them. Make sure that you have a way to hold your keys together with a chain or loop. One of our customer service representatives would be happy to walk you to your vehicle and test the new key before you leave.
Hood River: 541-386-2757
Odell: 541-354-3000
Fax: 541-386-4550
Address: 1945 12th
Hood River, OR 97031
Mailing: PO BOX 209
Hood River, OR 97031